Probation Programming and Services

Domestic Intervention, Education & Training Program (DIET)


Justice Center – 6th floor

Chief PO:

Dean Jenkins

Program Overview

DIET is provided by the Cleveland Municipal Court Probation Department

Eligibility Requirements

Referral Process

Sample Journal Entry

Criminal Probation Journal Entry

Drug Testing

Drug Testing


Cuyahoga County Urinalysis Lab, 1300 Ontario Street, 1st floor

Front Desk:


Program Overview

Eligibility Requirements

Referral Process

  1. Can be referred by Court, Probation Officer, Treatment Program
  2. Completes referral electronically in case management program (CJIS)
  3. Reports results or investigate failure to receive results (e.g. Laboratory sign in and out sheets)
  4. Records and verifies medications and drugs reported by offender

Sample Journal Entry

Criminal Plea / Verdict

Criminal Probation Journal Entry

Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (MHDD) Court

Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (MHDD) Court

MHDD Court Coordinator:

Meghan E. Patton
(216) 443-5468

Pretrial Services Treatment, Placement, and MHDD Probation Coordinator:

Jennifer Moody-Davis

Program Overview

Note: Also refer to Post-Conviction Section Mental Health Developmental Disabilities – Mental Health Component and Developmental Disabilities Component program information on pages 10 and 11

Eligibility Requirements

Referral Process

  1. All eligible cases are assigned a “Mental Health” flag within the Court’s Information system for identification purposes.
  2. Clinical Eligibility determination may be completed by Court Psychiatric Clinic, Jail Psychiatric Clinic or mental health professional – Information shall be provided to MHDD Court Coordinators for final determination.
  3. MHDD Court coordinators will notify the Court room if a case is eligible for MHDD Court (on orange paperwork).
  4. Once determined eligible for MHDD Court, cases may be assigned directly at arraignment (if known) and consistent w/ legal eligibility (LR 30.1)
  5. If clinical eligibility is determined after arraignment and prior to plea, the Court has 30 days from the date of notification to request transfer.
    Note: No transfer shall take place from the time of plea to prior to sentencing.
  6. Transfer may again occur at sentencing or throughout a probation experience.
  7. Attorneys may file a motion to transfer the case once eligibility is known.

Sample Journal Entry