Tripura Ration Card Details – Status Check Online at | Apply for New

Tripura Ration card details – Status Providing online through , Food,Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department of Tripura has Providing Ration card related information through official Portal for Citizens . providing all ration card related services like Ration Card Status, Ration Card holders list, New ration card holders list, name include or delete of family member, Ration Card modification or correction services all is necessary for citizens.New Ration Card holders Can check their Ration Card application Status through this portal.People who lost their Ration card those people can get Ration card information online.

Procedure for check Tripura Ration card details online

  1. Visit FCA Tripura department official website :
  2. Click on ‘Ration Card Details’ Option,or You can also Visit directly following link :
  3. Enter Report Name ( Eg : Ration card details Or Status ),
  4. Select Your District Name,
  5. Your Subdivision Name,
  6. Block, Ward Name,
  7. FPS ( Your Fire Price Shop location name ),
  8. Click ‘View Report’ Button, Ration Card data will be generated,
  9. Now Search Your Ration card data, in the list, You can also download this Ration card report, or take Printout for Future reference.

Tripura FCA Department

Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department is entrusted with the task of distribution of foodgrains & other Ration Commodities at lower and affordable price/subsidized price to the entire population of the State covered under universal PDS / TPDS / Other Welfare Schemes (OWS). It provides food security to the people of the State. Many years ago, when it was a single District State, the distribution of food grains and other essential commodities under Rationing system was ensured by the Food & Civil Supplies section attached to District Administration of Tripura. There was a post of Controller of Supplies exclusively to look after the works of District Administration in Food & Civil Supplies section. Influx of people from erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and gradual increase of population coupled with growing demand for food grains led to the creation of the Directorate of Food & Civil Supplies in the State in August 1969 on having separated from District Administration. Subsequently, on introduction of TPDS and other welfare schemes, the Department/ Directorate had to assume more and more important role.

Contact Us

Name : Dr. Debasish Basu, IAS

Designation/Charges : Secretary & Director

Phone : (0381) 2323780

Fax : (0381) 2326308

E-Mail : (OR)

Name : Manik Lal Baidya, TCS

Designation/Charges : Joint Director

Name : Abhijit Biswas, TCS

Designation/Charges : Deputy Director

Name : Mithu Debbarma, TCS

Designation/Charges : Dy.Director/ OC,Central Stores

Phone : (0381) 2370251

Name : Sushanta Banerjee

Designation/Charges : Asst. Director

Name : Manish Ray Chaudhuri

Designation/Charges : Acctts. Officer

Name : Subrata Majumder

Designation/Charges : SDC (Food)/ Nodal Officer (IT/NFSA/Concurrent Evaluation)

Name : Pritam Debbarma

Designation/Charges : SDC (Food)

Name : Kajal Sinha

Designation/Charges : SDC (Food)

Name : Ashish Kr. Datta

Designation/Charges : CI (Food)/ Nodal Officer (PG)

Name : Amit Ray Chaudhuri

Designation/Charges : Inspector (food)/ Nodal Officer (Legal/NFSA Statutory Affaira)

E-Mail : (OR)

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Filed Under: News Tagged With: Tripura